Every second person suffers from osteochondrosis. What is it, what is the nature of this ailment and what to do if you suffer from back pain? We tried to give answers to all questions. In this article, we will talk about the problem of the thoracic spine.
What is osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic pathology of the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones of the musculoskeletal system - vertebrae and discs.
Intervertebral discs are shock absorbers designed to relieve pressure on the spine.
The reason for the massiveness of the disease can be called the predominantly vertical lifestyle of a modern person. He spends most of the time sitting or standing, and the load on the spine increases significantly. So, after a while, the outer shell of the intervertebral disc cracks. The result of this process is the formation of hernias, which squeeze the blood vessels or roots of the spinal cord. These changes lead to impaired blood circulation, the development of pain syndrome and reflex tension of the back muscles.
Diagnostics of the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region
With osteochondrosis, a person may feel pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, back or chest. Often, patients are in no hurry to contact a specialist, but try to independently determine the root cause of the unpleasant sensations. However, this is very dangerous. One has only to imagine: a person suspected heart problems, although in fact, it aches with a pinched nerve. And if the other way around?
Important! Never self-medicate! Pain of any kind is a reason to visit a doctor to determine the exact diagnosis and treatment method.
What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region?
pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades, which is especially noticeable when raising arms, bending over and other physical activity;
pain sensations intensify at night, with deep inhalation and exhalation, as well as in case of hypothermia;
the appearance of "goose bumps" on the skin and numbness of its individual areas;
itching, burning, cold feet syndrome;
feeling like a hoop squeezing a chest.
If a person has noted at least some of these symptoms, he should definitely consult a neurologist or traumatologist. After hearing the complaints, the doctor will conduct an initial examination of the spinal column and determine if there are problems with cerebral circulation. One of the important steps in diagnosing a disease is referral to a hardware examination. In modern medicine, a number of methods are used, the most accurate of which are recognized as MRI and CT.
Which doctor treats
With osteochondrosis, you need to consult a neurologist. Having made a presumptive diagnosis on the basis of examination and the results of analyzes and examinations, he has the right to refer him for consultation to a narrower doctor - a chiropractor or vertebrologist.
Treatment methods
So, the diagnosis has been made. So the next stage is the appointment of effective treatment. As a rule, doctors are guided by the specifics of a particular case and approach the choice of methods individually. There are two types of treatment - conservative and surgical. Which of them will be applied to the patient directly depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of internal resources of the body, as well as indications and contraindications.
What are the most common conservative methods:
taking medications and dietary supplements prescribed by a doctor;
manual therapy;
Exercise therapy, etc.
Reference. The human body is a subtle, unique system. If one patient was helped by gymnastics, this is not an indication for its appointment to another. The attending physician always selects an individual course based on the physical characteristics of the person.
The main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is considered to be soft manual therapy, and massage, medications, etc. play an auxiliary role.
This is due to the fact that the nutrition of the discs depends on the condition of the muscles surrounding the spinal column. Moreover, the spinal muscles themselves are an integral cause of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. A chiropractor, smoothly affecting the tissues, helps to normalize reflexes and muscle tone, eliminates spasms and clamps, relieves and distributes the load from the affected discs, as a result of which the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and spinal circulation improves, and the body's motor functions are restored.
Rehabilitation and Lifestyle Recovery
Rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis involves an integrated approach. To maintain the result of treatment for a long time, it is necessary to combine many techniques of various fields of medicine. For example, in addition to following a therapeutic diet, performing special gymnastic exercises and visiting a chiropractor, the patient should be included in the list of mandatory procedures:
Isometric kinesiotherapy;
Manual therapy;
Underwater hydromassage;
Traction treatment;
Magneto, electrical and vibration stimulation;
Ultrasound and laser therapy;
Mobilization vacuum therapy;
Important! At home, it is quite difficult to take into account all the nuances of the rehabilitation period - from exercising on simulators to strict adherence to sleep and wakefulness. Departments of public hospitals do not always have the necessary equipment or staff. The solution to the problem is often specialized clinics. Technical equipment, instruments and equipment of world quality standards allow to undergo effective therapy in comfortable and safe conditions under the supervision of narrow specialists.
Lifestyle with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
To prevent the disease, as well as to maintain the general condition of the patient's body with osteochondrosis, doctors advise:
Correct spinal curvature and posture disorders in a timely manner.
Actively engage in sports, which will strengthen muscles and develop a muscle corset.
Follow a diet to maintain normal levels of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients.
Fight excess weight.
Provide an even distribution of the load on the spine if something heavy needs to be lifted.
Sit with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.
Choose chairs and armchairs that support your back.
Try to "dilute" static time at work with walking, warm-up, office gymnastics.
Sleep on an orthopedic mattress.
To paraphrase the famous phrase, we can say: "Osteochondrosis is a delicate matter. "It is quite easy to acquire such an ailment, but it will take a long time to heal. Knowing the nature of osteochondrosis as a disease, it will be easier for a person to navigate in treatment issues. Remember: only by contacting a doctor, you can competently approach this problem without harming yourself.